Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a quick note

Today is Jenn & Matt & lots of dogs six year anniversary.

Well, I guess without the lots of dogs part. We didn't start that for a few months.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our Story ... Part VI

I was depressed. I had just been rejected. So much for all that pouring-my-heart out crap. What was I thinking?

Well, damn it, if I couldn't have Miss too-good-for-me Molholt, I would just march straight out and find somebody else. And that I did. All week long.

On Monday I had Shiner. Cute, blond, Texan ... but kind of stupid and annoying like, well, most blonds and/or Texans. Tuesday, it was Heineken. She was this REALLY hot foreign chick ... can't quite remember from where, though. Bervaria or Sweedishland or one of those weird foreignmajiggers., I don't really remember that Wednesday. But, ah, yes Thursday... Thursday was a beautiful evening with the impeccable Mary J. That was a good night. And who would have thought I could be SO successful with the ladies wearing the same green "Rice for Peace" shirt and pair of torn jeans ALL WEEK LONG? Talk about a confidence boost.

Until, CRASH, I awoke from my stupor.

My feelings hadn't changed. That following weekend when I finally took some time away from the ladies I realized how much I LOVED Jenn (and I didn't even really know her... how is that possible?). But I couldn't stop thinking about her and wanting to spend time with her. I couldn't focus on anything else.

I hadn't seen her or interacted with her since the response letter. But the upcoming week would finally present a situation in which I would have to face her. It was the Annual Alumni Donations Gala (or whatever Rice officially called wining and dining the wealthy alums at the Intercontinental every year). Jenn and I had always enjoyed that night. I was, for obvious reasons, not looking forward to it this year.

But what happened that night was an absolute, complete surprise.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Story... Part V

Jenn: By the way, does anyone want to name our story?

Moving on.

As anyone who has ever been in college knows, a car is an incredibly valuable commodity. So when Matt offered to drive me to Target, I jumped at the chance and immediately began making a mental list of all the things I might possibly need from locations off campus. However, having just come from spring break, I was feeling pretty poor, so I decided to just stick to towels and a few other necessities. Matt was absolutely 120% on top of his game, though, and proceeded to walk me through the store, making me laugh with his jokes and impressions and "selling" me on various items. We still have the towels he "sold" me on that trip.

On the way home, we stopped by the Sonic in the Target parking lot as neither of us had eaten dinner. I guess you could say that was our first date. I thought this guy was really funny and sweet, but seemed totally unpredictable and I had no idea what was in his head.

If only I had known.

Not a week had gone by when I checked my email one morning and received The Letter. Ten pages of painstakingly wordsmithed pour your heart out eat it up love letter. Totally out of the blue. I read it several times, called several of my friends, missed my morning classes, and pondered my next move. To me there seemed several options:

1) Matt the salesman had made this up. In fact, this was a form letter. He's used it TONS of times, to great success, with lots of girls. Wasn't he just dating some girl? What happened to her?
2) This is a genuine love letter, but he's sort of flighty, doesn't really mean it, and will soon move on. He is a guy, after all.
3) This is a genuine love letter, and he's a little unstable, and needs to be handled carefully.
4) This is a genuine love letter, and who is this guy?

In the end, I decided the best option was to at least respond to the letter. I had been sort-of maybe kind-of seeing some guys at the time, and didn't know how those not-really relationships would play out. It didn't seem right to leave Matt hanging, though, if it were a real love letter. So, I wrote him the best response I could at the time:


Thank you so much for your sweet letter. Unfortunately I am sort of maybe kind of in a bunch of maybe sort of possible relationships right now because I'm a muddled up college kid. But I'll let you know later how they turn out, mmmkay?

To my chagrin, this resulted in a less-than ideal response from Matt...